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Aarambh Palliative Cancer Care

Excellent Cancer Care Center Close to your Home..!!

When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.

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Mission & CAUSE

Aarambh Palliative Cancer care centre works for last stage Cancer patients, giving them a happy and satisfying end.
Our goal is to- Provide less painful death Happy ending to life when doctors says there is no treatment, Cancer is in the last stage. Proper and homely care with the help of experienced and trained nurses in palliative care. But before all, aware people about Cancer and how it is caused, support Cancer patients by giving them psychological assistance through counseling and help them fight the disease with mental preparedness.
Guiding the course of their lifestyle and maintaining a healthy routine is our aim in our centre, where we have separate rooms for recreation, yoga, meditation, diet and talk therapy.

Who We Are?

Aarambh Palliative cancer care center is a charitable trust that was launched on June 5, 2017 in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. The Foundation creates awareness on the prevention, management and reference for treatment of cancer in Ahmednagar.

The Aarambh stands for people affected by Cancer. Our objective is to support cancer patients, by providing home based care to those patients who find it difficult to come to the hospital for treatment. Most of the times Home based care is also supported with counseling for the patients and their families.

Home based care is the lifeline of many patients because not all the patients are able to make it to the hospital because of advancement of disease, long distance and also lack of resources to support the treatment.

We reach out to Cancer patients across Ahmednagar, irrespective of colour, caste, creed, religion or class. For those families whose breadwinners are affected by Cancer, we try to minimise the disruptions to support them with government scheme or raise fund for them to meet their daily life. We work to see each Cancer patient and their family overcome the trauma of Cancer and stand up for life.

Aarambh has become a trusted institution for cancer awareness,reference services and home based care services in Ahmednagar pool of over 4 trained volunteers to provide the services in various part of ahmednagar city has so far has provided cancer awarness and reference services for 257 men and women. The services provided are for the most common cancers in Ahmednagar, namely breast, cervical, mouth, lungs, kidney, bladder, stomach, ovary, prostate cancers. Aarambh seeks to expand its services across Ahmednagar District and to establish best practice standards and promote exchange of experience with existing centres of excellence around the world.

Aarambh also advocates for governments to pay due attention to cancer awareness and to increase the preventive, diagnostic and treatment services for cancer in Ahmednagar.

Our Vision

To understand and relate with the far-reaching impact cancer has on an individual’s life. To go beyond the malignancy and treatment of cancer on the medical front and help the individual cope with the economic, social and psychological shadows the disease may cast. To effect and move policy that will ensure a fair chance of treatment for every Indian citizen.

Our Mission

To create awareness that Cancer is preventable and curable .Our mission is to create different arenas to spread awareness and knowledge among society and empower them to take action regarding their own health. To promote the prevention of cancer and provide a holistic solution to people affected by cancer.

Our Goal

To provide information on prevention, early diagnosis, treatment and support.
To provide access to affordable and effective early diagnosis, treatment and support.
To open more Aarambh Palliative cancer care center in the face of nature and Eco friendly.

What do We Want to Achieve?

Few of the many things that we want to do and achieve:

Our Activities

Some of the activities that we do to achieve our goals:

Our Message

Friends, This is start of Dreams, Human beings are developing day by day, daily we have news of lots of inventions. Our life has new speed. We found new horizons. After having lots of things, there is lots of changes in our daily routine, our daily activities. Which causes sudden changes on human health & most of them are side effects. CANCER is one of them.

What is Palliative?

Agriculture fields uses lots of chemicals, pesticides to increase growth of plants or increase in output from soil in terms of crops & in terms of money. Due to highly use of such material, they are transfering to human body from food. And those are cancer agents, main cause to increase cancer. Our chaging food habits, Raw material & chemicals used in preparation of food also causes cancer. There is no exact or proper medicine to cure cancer till date. Palliative means to make culture or environment to patients those are reached at last stage of cancer & this environment should be painless.

How Aarambh works for center?

We have started huge movement towards Counselling and Janjagruti. We are organizing many events at Schools, Colleges, Villages where we are giving introduction about cancer to participants & doing awareness about innatural habbits which causes cancer. We also doing programs by which we can provide information to Youth about cancer awareness, causes of cancer, avoid smoking and tobacco habits & what are their side effects of human health and how they convert into cancer. We are also organizing camps, where people can participate for free check ups related Cancer. We are providing help desk to cancer patients where they can get free treatment if they are econimically weak. We are also forming support groups, where patients can give one day to us & we make that day beautiful than their expectation.

How can you help?

There are many people, those are fighting with Cancer. Cancer is not limited to patient, Cancer developes many issues in Family in terms of money and in terms of mental strain & stress. All treatments are very much costly. So normal people can not pay such huge amounts. These treatments are very much painful to patients as well as family members too. So, with help of our palliative cancer care center, this will definitly reduced. So you can reffer such patients to us, and we can give them as much as we can.

Our Services

We provide our services to others to make a greater impact.
We have many members those are Professionals, Businessman, Doctors etc. are ready to give their time for you people. Whatever services they have, available with huge discount or free of cost. We help you to deliver such services to you or referal services under this program.


The guiding lifeline for our organization is to support people affected by Cancer. For a person affected with Cancer, the entire world turns upside down. Most of the time the patient gets a shock and is unable to come in terms of the disease. Instead of going for treating the disease, they move in denial mode by refusing to meet the doctors, relatives or even accepting medical support.

Our interventions with such cases are personalized depending upon the need of the patient and their family. The first step is to start with the mental strengthening exercise and believing that Cancer doesn’t mean hopelessness or death. Cancer is a nasty disease, and just like any other disease it needs to be treated. The key is your mental strength, right diagnosis and correct treatment. While treating Cancer patients, time is of outmost importance. In many a cases it has been observed that delay in starting the treatment leads to spread of disease and it taking a more aggressive form. There are thousand of cases where people who were once affected by Cancer have fully recovered and are leading an absolutely normal life.

- To offer emotional support and medical aid to cancer patients.
- To establish and encourage cancer survivorship programs.
- To give a purposeful expression of feelings.
- Manage depression & anxiety.
- First to know the background and situation of the family.
- To motivate cancer patients by which they can encourage to survive.
- To encourage family members to take Care of the patient.
- Discuss about the financial concerns & identify the helpful recourses.

Home based Services

Home based care is for those patients who are very sick or are unable to visit the hospital due to huge distances or their own physical condition or lack of resources. We do this as we feel it is necessary to visit and care for bedridden cancer patients who would otherwise not get any medical attention due to their physical conditions.

Home Care is also the most practical option for such patients – saving them precious time, energy and resources. At home, concerns of the family can be addressed in a relaxed atmosphere. There is a huge need and demand for home based care.

When their condition is progressively deteriorating, and they have a very low chance of being cured, people with cancer in advanced stages often choose to receive palliative care in the comfort and privacy of their homes, surrounded by loved ones.

Our team of home based care, are technically as well as mentally strong who lend great support and give proper treatment, Unfortunately due to lack of resources we are unable to help all such requests.

Creating Awareness

Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. It accounts for 7.4 million deaths (around 13% of all deaths) in 2004. Cancer often creates fear which comes out of ignorance and misconception. More than 30% of cancer cases could be prevented by modifying lifestyle or avoiding key risk factors. About 1/3rd of cancer cases could be reduced if cases are treated and detected at an early stage, To create awareness of the disease.

To help common people recognize the early signs and symptoms of cancer and thereby enabling them to seek treatment at the earliest an early stage. The program encourages the participants to seek prompt medical attention for symptoms which may include lumps, sores, bleeding, hoarseness, weight loss and persistent indigestion/cough/pain, etc.

To generate awareness about the key risk factors associated with cancer. More 30% of cancer cases could be prevented by modifying lifestyle or avoiding the key risk factors, which means that these disease could be avoided.

To encourage cancer check-ups at an early stage and to motivate them to avail of cancer check-up services at a very nominal cost through the Cancer Detection Centre and Mobile Cancer Detection Centres of various institutions.

Referral Services

We are providing Information about hospital to patient.

We are also providing Information about the scheme of the government to the patients.

Frequently Asked Questions

We hope to answer your questions here. If not, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to answer.

For becoming member of our organization you should be 18+ year old. If you are minor, you can join with declaration of your parents.
Kindly fill up form below in contact, so that we have your details. And then we will contact you for more information of joining process.
You can make trasfer money to organization account. You can mail us for account details or you can call 9422735736 to know more.
Yes you can donate cloths. With help of other organizations those are in same field, we can circulate them.


Participation is Everything

Do you promote health and well-being in your community?

Would you like to do more to help raise cancer awareness?

Talk Cancer: Cancer Awareness Training

Through lively, practical workshops and ongoing support, we’ll give you the skills and confidence to really make a difference in your community through simple conversations.

Cancer awareness in your community

We raise cancer awareness among the public and support people to access their local services

Cancer Awareness Roadshows and Hubs

We raise cancer awareness among the public and support people to access their local services.

Where we are

Find out where our Cancer Awareness Roadshows and Hubs will be. You can contact to us, regarding our Roadshows and Camps and get participated.

Cancer Causes & Prevention

Useful information to help you when talking to people about cancer prevention. We provide such information in our events.

Get involved

Join us to help make an impact in your community. With your helping hands, we definitely have change in society for awareness.


Counseling can help you sort out many different types of problems that you may face when you have cancer.

Counselling can help

- Coping with your reactions to cancer
- Family and relationship issues
- Exploring personal issues
- Dealing with practical issues

Your family relationships

Cancer can also affect your family relationships. You might find it affects how to talk to your children or your intimacy with your partner It might also lead to role changes within the family, if you are no longer able to fulfil the role you used to, even temporarily. All these can cause family tensions or extra stress for you.

Reactions and stress

- Fear or anger
- strong reactions to changes to your body
- anxiety about treatment
- You may feel very angry, or find it difficult to cope with a feeling of loss of control.

Financial strain

You might need to have difficult conversations about:
financial support
making a will
There may be practical issue such as transport problems or difficulty talking to your doctors.

Cancer can stir up

- You might also feel very stressed about having to cope with side effects of treatment, such as fatigue, pain or sickness.
- spirituality
- sexuality
- relationships

How talking helps

You may want to deal with things in ways that your friends or family don't agree with.
So it might help to talk through any of these issues and feelings with someone outside your friends and family.Your friends and family may be too close to the issues to see them clearly and objectively.
A counsellor can help you to find different ways of coping that hadn't occurred to you before.


Recent Campaigns

Cancer Awareness Yatra - 2023

Aarambh is planning to organize a Cancer Awareness Yatra - 2023.
The Yatra focus on spreading awareness among different communities while traveling from 7 cities in Maharashtra, India.
Hundreds of Aarambh volunteers work together distributing pamplets, hosting road shows and spreading the word through people to people contact.